Selecting with cx_Oracle
November 23, 2009
cx_Oracle is the python database interface to use when using an Oracle back end. Specific versions are available for download for a particular combination of oracle and python version. The latest rpms (marked CentOS) seem to work fine on fedora. for installers.
Select Example
This example code shows a select using bind variables to pass parameters. Never concat strings!
self.dbConnection = cx_Oracle.connect("%s/%s@%s:%s/%s" % (lDatabaseUsername, lDatabasePassword, lDatabaseHost, lDatabasePort, lDatabaseName)) lCursor = self.dbConnection.cursor() lCursor.execute("SELECT id, column_number, column_description, optional, mapping FROM mytable WHERE id = :p1" % {'p1':pId}) lRows = lCursor.fetchall() lDictionary = {} for lRow in lRows: lDictionary[lRow[1]] = (lRow[2], lRow[3], lRow[4])
Insert Example
Here's an example of some code to insert into the database, again using bind variables, but using a slightly different parameter style.
lCursor = self.dbConnection.cursor() lCursor.execute('INSERT INTO log (log_time, jobid, source) VALUES (SYSDATE,:p1,:p2)', p1=pJobId, p2=pSource) lCursor.close()