PICAXE 7 Segment LED Counter

August 17, 2013

You can drive a 7 segment LED from the PICAXE by making use of the CMOS 4026 Decade Counter. See http://drumcoder.co.uk/blog/2013/aug/12/7-segment-counting/ for how to set this up for a digit or two.

Next, connect an output from the PICAXE (I used C.4) to the clock input on the decade counter. In this way, when a pulse (on and off) is generated on C.4, the counter will increment by one.

I also had two LEDs on C.1 and C.2 which flashed each half second, with the counter incrementing each second.

   call increment
   call flash
   goto main

  high C.1
  pause 50
  low C.1
  pause 450
  high C.2
  pause 50
  low C.2
  pause 450

  high C.4
  low C.4