PICAXE 7 Segment LED Counter
August 17, 2013
You can drive a 7 segment LED from the PICAXE by making use of the CMOS 4026 Decade Counter. See http://drumcoder.co.uk/blog/2013/aug/12/7-segment-counting/ for how to set this up for a digit or two.
Next, connect an output from the PICAXE (I used C.4
) to the clock input on the decade counter. In this way, when a pulse (on and off) is generated on C.4
, the counter will increment by one.
I also had two LEDs on C.1
and C.2
which flashed each half second, with the counter incrementing each second.
main: call increment call flash goto main flash: high C.1 pause 50 low C.1 pause 450 high C.2 pause 50 low C.2 pause 450 return increment: high C.4 low C.4 return