Blog Archive for February 1, 2013

Webdis on Fedora

February 1, 2013

I have a fedora machine that has redis installed, and I wanted to install webdis. The instructions for webdis are:

  • get source
  • run make
  • ./webdis &

This didn't work for me:

[drumcoder@drumcoder webdis]$ make
cc -c -O0 -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -I. -Ijansson/src -Ihttp-parser -o webdis.o webdis.c
In file included from …

Tags: webdis redis

hg serve in git

February 1, 2013

The equivalent of hg serve in git is:

$ git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=. --export-all --verbose

Deleting Redis Keys by Wildcard

February 1, 2013

I wanted to delete a set of keys from my redis database that matched a wildcard - they all started with app.. This can be done at the bash prompt with the following command:

$ redis-cli KEYS "app.*" | xargs redis-cli DEL

Tags: redis